Sunday, May 8, 2011

Gender Roles!

I saw sociology when...
I was at work. One day when I was working, I was taking an order for a middle aged man who was probably about forty or so. He looked tired and was acting really impatient when he was in line, so I tried to be quick and efficient with his order so I wouldn't further upset him. However, when he went to pay for his order, there was an error with his credit card and he got really aggravated at me even though it was not my fault! He started saying really rude things about how I couldn't get it to work because I was a girl, they should have someone more experienced working there instead of me, I shouldn't have a job simply because I'm a girl. I tried to explain that I couldn't control that his card wasn't working but he carried on with being rude to me! Thankfully, my boss stepped in and said if he says one more thing out of line that he'd kick him out. After that, the man only grumbled under his breath and kept his thoughts to himself. I didn't take anything he had said to me too hard because I could tell he was in a bad mood. So after we figured out his card situation, I shook it off and carried on with my work.

We have learned all about gender roles in society, and the things this man had said to me were sexist against females. He only said these things because he was mad, but the things he said were aimed towards all women. In today's society, everyone is expected to play their roles. Whether this means act like a boy or act like a girl or something completely different, it is still influential on the way we all act as individuals. The man tried to basically tell me that since I'm a girl, I can't possibly be a good worker, and that I shouldn't have a job. This could be leading to a thought that I shouldn't have a job because women aren't supposed to be working, which in today's society obviously isn't true. Gender roles still affect the way people think, and its definitely not always positive!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm sorry that guy went off on you like that...but it was a good look at how some people still hold on to traditional gender roles.
