Sunday, April 10, 2011

Socializing kids 4.10.11!

I personally think that the "Chinese mother" approach is a smart idea. If you look at the facts, Asian kids tend to do a lot better in school, music, etc. The reason why they do better than western kids? Simple. They aren't allowed to do anything less than the best. If they don't succeed, they aren't allowed to give up. They must keep at whatever activity they are doing, such as playing the piano, until they have mastered it. If they try to give up, they are frowned upon in order to make them feel ashamed which ends up helping them try harder and in the long run, succeed. Western parents, however, strongly express the fact that they want their kids to do their best but they allow their children to give up if they feel like they cannot succeed. This is wrong because if western parents kept at their kids and made them succeed, the kids may realize how self gratifying success can be and will keep trying at things they don't do perfectly on their first try. The only thing that I personally disagree on about the Chinese mother approach is the fact that kids are not allowed to socialize. Chinese mothers do not allow their kids to have sleep overs or play dates, which I think is not beneficial because the kids are not being allowed to interact in society. Other than this factor, I personally feel like the Chinese mother tactic is clever and intelligent
I think that Charles Cooley's idea of the looking glass self corresponds with the Chinese mother ways because he believes the self image we develop is from the way others treat us. If Chinese mothers go hard on their kids in order to make them succeed, and then praise them for succeeding, it is giving the kids a positive self image because they know their parents are proud of them and they will keep trying in order to keep succeeding. George Herbert Mead's thoughts can be connected to Ms. Chua's thought process because his idea emphasized the importance of getting under the skin of others by taking their roles. Parents play the role of significant others because they have close bonds with their kids and can easily influence and get under the skin of their children. This is very important in the development of kids. Sigmund Freud's approach with saying that personality is influenced by interactions with parents is shown in the Chinese mother because the article states the differences in the personality types of western kids and Chinese kids based on the parenting. Lastly, Jean Piaget's nature vs. nuture is shown in the Chinese mother because it shows how for the most part, being raised by different parents (nuture) strongly influences the way children grow up, develop, and prosper. In the end, the Chinese mother tactic is clever and works extremely well. I believe that western parents should try it and stop worrying about their kids having self-esteem issues as they get older because this does not happen. Ms. Chua had a smart idea, and I think being a Chinese mother is smart.

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