Sunday, May 8, 2011

Deviance! 5.8.11

I noticed sociology when...
My mom got upset with my grades this weekend. She told me she wants me to focus on my grades more, but its hard being a student athlete. She didn't ground me, but she did make me feel bad about my grades by the things she said. She just wants me to get good grades and get into a good college which isn't too much to ask for. So, in response to her thoughts, I stayed home all weekend to do my homework and catch up in school. Although she didn't physically ground me, I got the point and did what she originally wanted me to do anyways.

What my mom did is a lot like the shaming theory for deviance that we learned about in class. I've been deviating away from school and getting worse grades than I ever have in the past because I've been so focused on softball, and its hurting me school wise. So my mom cleverly guilted me into staying home all weekend and getting caught up. We learned about all the different types of deviance in class, and my mom happened to use the shaming theory. in the shaming theory, the deviant feels bad so in the long run they won't deviate again. This is what happened to me basically. I felt bad that I upset my mom with my grades and I let her guilt me into staying home all weekend and catching up and I decided to try not to deviate again so I can avoid this situation. Although my deviance was a minor case, sociology still applies!

Sociolization! 4/27 - 4/28

I noticed sociology when...
I was taking my ACT and PSAE tests in the fieldhouse. Everything we did for those two days were strict and conformed. We were not allowed cheat, make gestures, use our calculators for any test other than math, speak at all, have an electronic devices, or even bring water. However, we all followed these rules to avoid harsh punishment, retaking the test completely, and making the entire room suffer. The rules are crazy strict, but for good reasons. I'm glad everyone followed them so we didn't have any issues, and we didn't all have to retake our exams. Also, being in the fieldhouse felt somewhat like a total institution for various reasons. It was weird to have our lives completely prearranged for two days where we couldn't control anything, and I'm glad its over with.

Taking these tests the two days before prom was a great way to view sociology. I said it felt like a total institution because we weren't allowed to contact any of our friends, family, etc. during the testing. We were basically desocialized and resocialized for the testing days so there wouldn't be any abnormalities. All of the teenagers in the room were forced to stay quiet, turn off their cell phones, not bring food or water, and not cheat on the tests. All of us followed these rules, which is a perfect example of how a total institution works. In jail, for instance, the prisoners are forced to desocialize from their previous lives and resocialize to the life in prison. Much like in Shawshank Redemption, the teachers who oversaw our testing controlled our lives for the time being. Sociology works in our every day lives, and these hard testing days showed that!

More gender roles!

I saw sociology when...
I was shopping with my mom for my little brother's birthday! We first went to Target looking for gift ideas. While we were there, we looked at toys and clothes. I couldn't help but notice that everything we talked about in class along with that project we did were so true. All of the toys in the boys section either involved guns, sports equipment, or monsters and dinosaurs of some sort. This compares to the girls section that has frilly little dolls like Barbies, baby dolls, and toy kitchens. Also, the colors for the girly toys were generally pinks, purples, and yellows compared to the blues, reds, and greens that the boys got. When we looked at clothes for my brother, Kyle, I noticed similar characteristics. For instance, my mom picked out a few shirts, and all of them were either blue or red. She got him a few pairs of athletic shorts (typical!), and then a new pair of gym shoes. His gym shoes have navy blue on them as well! But then when I went over and looked at the girl clothing, everything had either flowers or hearts on it, and were pink, purple, yellow, and other light pastel colors.
Putting color and design labels on little kids is where the gender roles first set in. When little girls or little boys only get these colors and these toys to choose from, its no wonder that they conform to these predetermined ways from a young age. Looking back at old pictures, my mom only ever dressed me in adorable, GIRLY outfits that a little boy wouldn't be caught dead in. Nobody really takes the time to think about it, but simply by the way kids are raised impacts who they become, following gender norms as well.

Gender Roles!

I saw sociology when...
I was at work. One day when I was working, I was taking an order for a middle aged man who was probably about forty or so. He looked tired and was acting really impatient when he was in line, so I tried to be quick and efficient with his order so I wouldn't further upset him. However, when he went to pay for his order, there was an error with his credit card and he got really aggravated at me even though it was not my fault! He started saying really rude things about how I couldn't get it to work because I was a girl, they should have someone more experienced working there instead of me, I shouldn't have a job simply because I'm a girl. I tried to explain that I couldn't control that his card wasn't working but he carried on with being rude to me! Thankfully, my boss stepped in and said if he says one more thing out of line that he'd kick him out. After that, the man only grumbled under his breath and kept his thoughts to himself. I didn't take anything he had said to me too hard because I could tell he was in a bad mood. So after we figured out his card situation, I shook it off and carried on with my work.

We have learned all about gender roles in society, and the things this man had said to me were sexist against females. He only said these things because he was mad, but the things he said were aimed towards all women. In today's society, everyone is expected to play their roles. Whether this means act like a boy or act like a girl or something completely different, it is still influential on the way we all act as individuals. The man tried to basically tell me that since I'm a girl, I can't possibly be a good worker, and that I shouldn't have a job. This could be leading to a thought that I shouldn't have a job because women aren't supposed to be working, which in today's society obviously isn't true. Gender roles still affect the way people think, and its definitely not always positive!